
Where to Find Amazing Street Food in Paris


There’s perhaps never been a better time to indulge in street food in Paris. It’s not just cheaper than a restaurant,  it’s the new in-thing. Where the French once turned their nose up at the idea of food on-the-go, they’ve now embraced the concept and there has been a recent upsurge in mobile food trucks, as well as the more traditional stands.

It’s easy to think that Parisian street food starts and finishes on a crêpe. True, a tasty cheese and ham galette is perfect for warming the hands and stomach, but there’s a lot more to the street scene than savory pancakes.

They might not openly admit it, but the French love the Americans. Really! They love the culture, the music, and now it’s all about the food. The amount of US-themed restaurants that have popped up in Paris over the last few years is astounding.

If you’re craving a good old American burger, check out the Camion qui fume, a food truck (run by California-born Kristin) that drives around Paris stopping to sell their home-made burgers and fries to a crowd that often wait for up to an hour. The Camion is up there on the trendy Parisian’s list of things to do. The website has a timetable of their route, here.

Or how about going Argentinian while in Paris? Clasico Argentino, based in the third and ninth arrondissements sells the most delicious – and good value – empanadas that I’ve ever tasted, and they do great ice-creams as well.

Of course, you can’t come to Paris without trying a falafel (pictured)  from the rue des Rosiers in the Marais area. This is a great way of spending a Sunday afternoon. Whereas the rest of Paris closes up for the day, the Marais, with all its vintage shops and little boutiques, stays open, and is the most buzzing area in the city. The beautiful Place des Vosges isn’t far if you want to sit on a park bench and enjoy the fountains. The As de falafel is the most famous, as you’ll be able to see from the queues. But don’t be put off, the service is very quick.

If you absolutely want a crêpe during your visit, be careful not to choose just any old food stand. You don’t want to end up with a greasy, soggy pancake for seven euros just because you don’t know where to look. Many tourists fall into this trap. Aup Tit Grec on rue Mouffetard in the fifth arrondissement has a great selection of ingredients. I used to go there on the way back from classes at least once a week. My favourite was the goats cheese and salad galette. Otherwise, check out this list for more suggestions.

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