

I hope that you enjoyed your tour with me!

Thank you for taking time out of your vacation to explore Florence with me. I hope that I was able to teach you a few things and show you some of my favorite places.

If you’ll be here a bit longer, you can use our staff recommendations map below to continue exploring the city.

And if you had a nice tour with me, I would love for you to take a few moments and leave a review below.

Grazie e buona giornata!
Francesa M

A tour guide in a blue t-shirt and red jacket standing in an empty street in Florence, Italy.

Our Way of Saying ‘Grazie’

Please use my personal discount code Messina10 to receive 10% off your next tour with us!

E-Payment Option

While gratuities are by no means expected, some guests ask for an e-pay option and so here is my personal PayPal button:

A yellow paypal button

Florence Staff Recommendations

Feel free to use this map to help you navigate Florence. We’ve included our favorite places to dine, drink, and discover.

Let’s Connect

You can find me on instagram @queenfra86.

Thanks again!

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A family by the eiffel tower.